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NetTopologySuite.Windows.Forms.FontGlyphReader Class Reference

Provides methods to read System.Drawing.Font glyphs for strings into IPolygonal geometry. /summary> More...

Static Public Member Functions

static IGeometry Read (string text, FontFamily font, int pointSize, IGeometryFactory geomFact)
static IGeometry Read (string text, FontFamily font, IGeometryFactory geomFact)
static IGeometry Read (string text, FontFamily font, FontStyle style, float size, PointF origin, IGeometryFactory geomFact)
static IGeometry Read (string text, FontFamily font, FontStyle style, float size, PointF origin, StringFormat stringFormat, double flatness, IGeometryFactory geomFact)
static IGeometry Read (string text, Font font, IGeometryFactory geomFact)

Public Attributes

const string FontSerif = "Serif"
const string FontSanserif = "SanSerif"
const string FontMonospaced = "Monospaced"

Detailed Description

Provides methods to read System.Drawing.Font glyphs for strings into IPolygonal geometry. /summary>

It is suggested to use larger point sizes to render fonts glyphs, to reduce the effects of scale-dependent hints.

The resulting geometry are in the base coordinate system of the font.

The geometry can be further transformed as necessary using AffineTransformations

<author>Martin Davis</author>

Member Function Documentation

static IGeometry NetTopologySuite.Windows.Forms.FontGlyphReader.Read ( string  text,
FontFamily  font,
int  pointSize,
IGeometryFactory  geomFact 

summary> Converts text rendered in the given Font to a IGeometry using a standard flatness factor.

textThe text to render
fontThe FontFamily
geomFactThe geometry factory to use to create the result
A polygonal geometry representing the rendered text
static IGeometry NetTopologySuite.Windows.Forms.FontGlyphReader.Read ( string  text,
FontFamily  font,
FontStyle  style,
float  size,
PointF  origin,
IGeometryFactory  geomFact 

summary> Converts text rendered in the given Font and pointsize to a IGeometry using a standard flatness factor.

textThe text to render
fontThe FontFamily
sizeThe size to render at
styleThe style to use
flatnessThe flatness to use
originThe point to start
stringFormatThe string format to use
geomFactThe geometry factory to use to create the result
A polygonal geometry representing the rendered text

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